Filipino Martial Arts and Pacific Archipelago Concepts

Essential Filipino Martial Arts and the PAC! The fighting methods from the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii, and Japan Martial Arts

“Hey Hock, I’m at the end of one of two days of a “famous Filipino guy” seminar. Had an absolute blast, but I can barely remember a single thing. Thanks for making a system that’s as simple, straight-forward, logical, and professional as your FAM and PAC. I take you for granted sometimes until l am reminded I can either memorize the 27 techniques of (insert foreign-sounding drill names here), both inside and outside variations, plus the advanced 13 extensions and 4 subsections, or I can memorize your four positions on the combat clock and get it all and never forget it! Hope you’re doing well.” – Don Young of Michigan
Self defense combatives is a mission, but one of my hobbies these days is also teaching the FMA-PAC when asked to do so. FMA is short for Filipino Martial Arts. What is the PAC? Pacific Archipelago Concepts. An Archipelago is defined as “an area that contains a chain or group of islands scattered in lakes, rivers, or the ocean.” In this case, my case – it is the Pacific Ocean. I have been toiling in these martial systems of these islands since the 1972 in Hawaiian origin, original Parker Kenpo. I seek the blended skeleton of them. Only the essentials.
In order to do this, I must eliminate the redundancies, trim the fat, get to the core where, virtually all foundational things actually look the same!  A fighter should never look pretty or stylish, if so, it should be by accident. A fighter should look harsh and disgusting.

Hock Hochheim teaching filipino combatives in negros islands






Hock teaching FMA on the Negros Islands, Philippines.

FMA-PAC Consists of: Mano Mano, Silat, Kenpo, Jujitsu and more from the many Pacific Islands flowing systems of kicking, hand striking, trapping, grappling/ground fighting. Hand versus hand, and empty hand vs. weapons.

  •  Single cane
  •  Double cane
  •  Cane and knife – Espada Y Daga
  •  Knife
  •  Hand to hand (mano mano)
  • The Arnis / Kali Silat/ Escrima of the Philippine Archipelago
  • The Silats of Indonesian and Filipino Archipelagos
  • The Karates, Jujitsu and Aiki-Jujitsu of Japanese Archipelagos
  • Kajukenbo of Hawaii
  • Cane and Knife Fighting from all of the Pacific Islands
  • Polynesian hand, cane and small club fighting

Essential  Filipino Martial Arts is Hock’s generic Filipino system. If you get rank in the PAC? You automatically get rank in the Essential FMA system. Three vital sources are Ernesto Presas and Remy Presas and Inosanto Family collectives of FMA systems.

Over four decades ago in the 1980s, Hock began amassing the most combative aspects of Filipino Fighting systems and Kali Silat, attaining several black belts and certifications, strengthening it all with his military and police training and experience for a reality check. He has spent many years dedicated to finding the common threads, correcting and omitting sport aspects, artsy extravagances and isolating the very essence of combat. Hock reports he has never really felt comfortable forced to teach only one. He blended all these systems with his prior years in other martial arts like karate, kenpo and jujitsu and added his 27 years experience in policing and military training. His years of teaching culminated into this hardcore FMA-PAC format.

 Hock Hochheim with Ernesto Presas demonstating filipino combat style

Hock and GM Ernesto Presas in the Philippines. 



Hock Hochheim with dan inosanto and ernesto presas

Hock Hochheim and Remy Presas, Right: Hock Dan Inosanto, Ray Medina, in 1986.

Hock Hochheim with Terry Gibson

Hock has studied extensively with several instructors in the Inosanto family since 1986, most notably Terry Gibson of Tulsa, Oklahoma, someone Inosanto called, “one of his top 5.” 

“I am but a mere FMA ambassador….”